Autumn Colours Galore


Autumn leaf colour, or "ruska" to locals, is a spectacular natural phenomenon that paints northern landscapes in deep and soft tones. Covered in forests and wildernesses, Finland is a prime destination for some serious leaf peeping.

The stark contrasts between the four seasons are the main characteristics of the annual natural cycle in Finland. Autumn leaf colour acts as a messenger of sorts; it bids a melancholy farewell to long summer days and serves as a reminder of the dark and cold winter that looms around the corner.

The peak season only lasts for roughly two weeks. The period varies from year to year, but the latter part of September is usually a safe bet (in Lapland) when planning a trip. The "ruska" season is popular with photographers, and why wouldn't it be: the variety of broadleaf trees and conifers as well as berries and moss on the ground provide an array of hues of green, auburn, blue, red and yellow so vivid not capturing them would be a crime.

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